We are invited by God to approach Him in prayer. We consider it a privilege and honor to pray with and for you through several prayer ministries. At our best, those who serve on a prayer team become a channel of God’s healing light and love. They pray for the specific prayer request with great trust in God’s healing light and love to touch the one with whom they pray. They consider it an honor to pray for you.
A Prayer Chain of committed people prays for the immediate needs of those in our community. Those who serve on the prayer chain receive prayer requests regularly usually via e-mail.
Prayer Teams
Anyone who feels the need to have others join them in prayer may come to a prayer team each Sunday morning at both worship services during Communion. The prayer team is available in the front of the sanctuary. These teams are there to pray for your prayer requests. Requests may be for yourself or for someone else. Requests can be as specific as you are comfortable with.