Baptism is God’s chosen way of naming and claiming us as members of that special family called the Church. Through baptism, God promises to be our God and promises that love and forgiveness can be ours. Baptism is done with water joined to the powerful promises of Christ.Baptism is the beginning of a journey that is life-long, a journey of ever-growing commitment to Christ’s mission, and appreciation for God’s great love for us. Baptism is for infants, children, adolescents, and adults. It is usually celebrated as part of the Our Redeemer’s worship gathering.
If you or someone you love wishes to be baptized, please contact Pastor Trina to schedule a one-hour session to discuss what Lutherans believe about baptism and go through what happens in a baptismal rite. These sessions are scheduled at a mutually agreeable time. Pastor Trina can be reached at Pastor Trina or 406-442-7842.
If you would like to dive deeper into Lutheran theology about why we baptize, see this document What is a sacrament for Lutherans.